Entering the Flow of Summer

Entering the Flow of Summer

Hello friends, I am sitting here scratching my head at the facts that: 1) My baby is graduating from kindergarten tomorrow. 2) The sun is only now setting at 9:30pm. 3) And next week is forecasted to be 103 degrees in the mountains. Whaat?? All of these factors have my head spinning, my heart swelling, and the energy in my world flowing right off the charts. I am officially entering the flow of summer. I have found that my life and energy are very connected to the seasons.
People often comment that my artwork is very seasonal. Ever since we moved to the mountains, I have become very connected and aware of the seasons. The natural world responds to it of course, and living in an agricultural community we are tied to that natural rhythm. Each of the natural seasons has its own energy to it. The quiet, contemplative nature of winter; the slow awakening of spring; the bright, expansive growth of summer; and the gradual quieting of fall. Each one has its own beauty. I love that my son knows that summer means cherries and blueberry picking and that he can get loads of apples and pears come fall time.
I have to say, I do love the summer. Long sunny days. Camping trips. Open windows letting laughter and birdsong flow through the house on the summer breezes. Sidewalk chalk masterpieces. Bike rides. The smell of sunblock. Sticky, drippy, homemade popsicles. Little feet running through the grass. The flip flop in your stomach when you swing just a little too high. It's just so full of joyful, expansive energy. And then I remember, really, life is a series of seasons. Each one has its own special purpose, lessons, joys, and sorrows. As a parent we ride the seasons of our children's development all the time. Just as we understand one phase, they move into another one. In our careers, relationships, spiritual paths - we have seasons of growth, seasons of expansion, seasons of steadfastness, seasons of leadership, seasons of mentorship, seasons of passion, and seasons of stagnation. All of it is the journey of developing further and further into our most authentic self. So here's to the journey! Savor the moments of the season you're in. And if you are transitioning, congratulations on graduating to the next season. Let us remember to honor the place where we are on the journey and stay rooted in our own current as we flow through the seasons of our lives.
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